NatureTech Search Result

Sheep Wool Regulates Humidity
Sheep wool has the function of regulating temperature. A cross-section of wool reveals its circul...

Termites Nests Have Excellent Air Conditioning
The termite nests in the savanna constantly maintain a temperature of 30°C despite the great diff...

Kangaroo Rat Excels at Storing Food
The kangaroo rat barely drinks any water, living off of the water found in its food, like seeds. ...

Termites Nests Are Always Comfortable
Termites living in savanna zones spend decades building dirt nests that are 6–7m high. A savanna ...

The Beauty of Wild Silk
Silk, which consists of the proteins sericin and fibroin, has many properties that make it useful...

Silkworms Are Nature’s Thread Factories
Silkworms make silk thread. When a silkworm is preparing to change into a pupa, it spins silk thr...