NatureTech Search Result

Aphids Secrete Water-Repellent Material
Aphids secrete wax, which they use to coat their waste (known as honeydew) and the inner wall of ...

Chloroplasts in Plants Perform Photosynthesis
Chloroplasts found in plants utilize carbon dioxide, water absorbed through the roots, and the su...

Plants Produce Clean Energy
Plants perform photosynthesis, using sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to produce nutrients and ...

Human Lungs Filter Carbon Dioxide Efficiently
Human lungs conduct an efficient exchange of gases by taking in oxygen from the air and releasing...

Biofilm Created From an Aggregation of Various Life Forms
Bacteria secrete adherent substances to form small colonies (known as an aggregate cell colony). ...

Spider Silk Promotes Cell Division and is Antibacterial
Spider silk fiber is made up of two types of proteins, fibroin and sericin. Each fiber contains t...

Fighting Cancer Cells with the Cabbage Butterfly
Adult butterflies differ from their larvae (caterpillars) in both appearance and diet. While the ...

Savior of the 21st Century!? Tree-Loving Termites
Termites are notorious for their voracious appetite for house pillars. Timber (like that used to ...

Learning How to Recycle from Fallen Leaves
During the summer, leaves withstand wind and rain, staying firmly attached to tree branches, but ...