NatureTech Search Result

Birdwing Butterfly Wings Absorb Light Efficiently
Birdwing butterflies absorb light energy efficiently, due not only to their black pigmentation, b...

Anti-Reflective Moth Eyes
Moths have compound eyes that are covered by 200nm hexagonal bumps (facets) that are each spaced ...

L. Augustus Weevils Appear the Same Shade of Green from Every Angle
Lamprocyphus augustus weevils have exoskeletons made of chitin scales, which have the same molecu...

Melanin Creates the Beautiful Blue Color of Blue-Black Grassquit Feathers
The color of the blue-black grassquit feathers’ comes from melanin, which reflects a blue color i...

Penguin Has All-Seeing Eyes
The King penguin lives on islands mainly found in the extremely cold climate of the South Pole. T...

Black Kite’s Eyes Are Protected from Ultraviolet Rays
The black kite is a bird of prey that searches for food from the sky, and after it swiftly snatch...