NatureTech Search Result

Heat-Generating Skunk Cabbage
The skunk cabbage can bloom early in the spring because it can generate enough heat to melt snow ...

Sheep Wool has Superior Insulation and Heat Retaining Properties
Sheep wool fiber contains countless air pockets, which traps a large amount of air inside. This l...

Sheep Wool Regulates Humidity
Sheep wool has the function of regulating temperature. A cross-section of wool reveals its circul...

Gypsy Moth Caterpillars Regulate Their Body Temperature
Gypsy moth caterpillars have an effective system of temperature regulation that takes place not i...

Springboks Facilitate Body Heat Dissipation
The springbok’s fur is only 4mm long, which is extremely short given the size of their bodies. Ho...

Chuckwalla Can Cool and Store/Replenish Water
Chuckwalla live in the desert, and when it is hot outside, they lower their temperature through b...

Lackey Moth Caterpillars Build Waterproof Tents
As soon as lackey moth caterpillars hatch, they spin out a thread and build a waterproof tent tog...

Blood Circulation of Bumblebee is Excellent for the Cold
The bumblebee is said to have evolved in colder regions than the honeybee. In Japan, the bumblebe...

Termites Nests Are Always Comfortable
Termites living in savanna zones spend decades building dirt nests that are 6–7m high. A savanna ...

Dolphin’s Fat Holds the Key to Its Amazing Athletic Abilities
The bottlenose dolphin lives in many oceans around the world. The dolphin can maintain a constant...