NatureTech Search Result

Electricity-Generating Electric Eel
The electric eel can produce 600 volts of electricity to protect itself from enemies. Approximate...

Animals Don’t Collide in Crowds
Flocks of birds travel by drawing a beautiful V formation. If something causes them to take off a...

Thorny Devil (Moloch horridus) Can Supply Its Own Water
This animal with a devilish face and appearance is a type of lizard called Thorny Devil (Moloch h...

Cecropia Moths are Resistant to Bacterial Infection
The Cecropia Moth, Hyalophora cecropia, is a member of the Saturniidae family that lives in Ameri...

Abalone’s Sturdy Shell Is Tough Enough to Beat with a Hammer or Run Over With a Car!
Materials made by firing clay, like pottery or brick, are called ceramics. Ceramics are used broa...