NatureTech Search Result

Black-spotted Boxfish is Sturdy yet Streamlined
The shape of the black-spotted boxfish does not look streamlined: its body is lined with stiff sc...

The Parthenium Argentatum Resists Termites and Fungi
The secretions of the parthenium argentatum have the effect of repelling termites and fungi that ...

Rock Dwelling Cellana
Cellana create the dents in rock that they inhabit. These dents perfectly fit their body size, wh...

Solidago Canadensis (“Goldenrod”) Inhibits the Growth of Other Plants
The Goldenrod plant releases polyacetylene chemicals (cis-DMS) from its roots that prevent plant ...

Rosemary Possesses Allelopathic Effects
When forest fires occur and burn rosemary plants, the seeds that were previously prevented from b...

Cabbage Can Attract the Natural Enemy of the Cabbageworm
When eaten by cabbageworms, cabbage emits a scent that attracts wasps that are the natural enemie...

The Leaves of the Mimosa Pudica Fold upon Contact
A grasshopper landing to graze on the leaves of the Mimosa Pudica causes the leaves to fold in on...

Different Levels of Strength Revealed in the Interior and Exterior of Birds’ Eggshells
Birds’ eggshells are tough enough to withstand cracking, even when pecked by a bird’s pointed bea...

Spittlebug Larvae Protect Themselves in Foam
Spittlebug larvae dissolve their own secreted organic matter into the liquid they excrete, which ...

Kerria Lacca Make a Protective Cover
Female adult Kerria lacca do not have wings and live in colonies on the branches of trees, such a...