Bacteria Control Flagellum Rotation


Bacteria control their movements by manipulating their flagellum, which are made up of protein flagelllin. The flagellum has a rotary engine, also composed of protein, which controls both the direction and speed of the flagellum movement.

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Proposals of Applied Technology

Bacteria’s strategy for controlling flagellum rotation can be utilized to develop the operating mechanism of MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System) propulsion systems. It can also be combined with genetic engineering technology to develop biologically integrated devices, such as nonorobots and micromachines.

Proposals of Applied Industry

Related Nature-Tech

Bacteria’s Swiftly Rotating Flagella
Bacteria propel themselves by rotating their long flagella. The flagella’s structure comprises a rotor, stator, inversion controller, bearing, universal joint, and screw. These parts have the ability to self-organize. The flagella are made of fibers that are stretched into a helical shape through polymerization of a 24nm-thick helical protein called “flagellin.” The fibers themselves do not have a rotation mechanism, but instead use the flow of hydrogen ions that results from the difference in ion concentration from the inside to the outside of the cell for power, which rotates the fibers like a water mill.

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