NatureTech Search Result

Aphids Secrete Water-Repellent Material
Aphids secrete wax, which they use to coat their waste (known as honeydew) and the inner wall of ...

Red Roses Appear Black
Black roses appear black even though they contain the same pigment as red roses on account of the...

Birdwing Butterfly Wings Absorb Light Efficiently
Birdwing butterflies absorb light energy efficiently, due not only to their black pigmentation, b...

Anti-Reflective Moth Eyes
Moths have compound eyes that are covered by 200nm hexagonal bumps (facets) that are each spaced ...

The Parthenium Argentatum Resists Termites and Fungi
The secretions of the parthenium argentatum have the effect of repelling termites and fungi that ...

Sheep Wool Regulates Humidity
Sheep wool has the function of regulating temperature. A cross-section of wool reveals its circul...

The Jet Spray of the Octopus
In order to breathe, the octopus forcefully pushes water from a cavity called a pallial chamber, ...

Feathers Have Heat Insulation
Birds’ feathers have many barbs that spread out into a V-shape from both sides of the central sha...

The Muscles of the North Pacific Giant Octopus Attach its Suction Pads
By contracting its radial muscles and forming a vacuum inside its suction pads, the North Pacific...

Cold Resistant Plants
Plants existing in intensely cold climates synthesize and store sugar as nourishment within their...