NatureTech Search Result

Tree Rings Engrave Climate Data
A tree ring is a circular line of wood that a tree forms each year as it grows. Trees produce man...

Trees Adapt to External Stress
Trees adapt to external stress, including temperature change and high winds. Trees’ design allows...

Blue Swallow Has Water Repellant Feathers
The barbules in Blue swallows’ feathers aenable them to shed water and fly in thick mists.

Cerebrospinal Fluid Protects the Brain
Cerebrospinal fluid is found in the subarachnoid space and the ventricular system. It acts as a “...

Mussels Produce Sticky Glue-like Collagen
Mussels are able to create strongly adhesive materials in the water where it is difficult to main...

Young Knifefish Attach Themselves to the Bottom of a River
The young ghost knifefish has a special organ to attach itself to the bottom of the river. The or...

Dog Paws Have Traction on Snowy Roads
The pads on the bottom of dogs’ feet are covered with small cone-shaped protrusions that act like...

Solidago Canadensis (“Goldenrod”) Inhibits the Growth of Other Plants
The Goldenrod plant releases polyacetylene chemicals (cis-DMS) from its roots that prevent plant ...

Honeybees Produce Propolis that Fights Bacteria
Honeybees protect their nests from microbes by covering them in a substance called propolis. Prop...

Bee Venom is Largely Comprised of the Anti-bacterial Peptide Melittin
Melittin, an antibacterial peptide, prevents bacteria from spreading and even breaks bacteria dow...