NatureTech Search Result

The Jet Spray of the Octopus
In order to breathe, the octopus forcefully pushes water from a cavity called a pallial chamber, ...

Insect Ganglia Control Each Body Segment
Insect bodies are divided into three segments: head, thorax, and abdomen. Each segment has a coll...

Dog Paws Have Traction on Snowy Roads
The pads on the bottom of dogs’ feet are covered with small cone-shaped protrusions that act like...

Bluegill Pectoral Fins Lower Water Resistance
Bluegills sweep their pectoral fins forward, then cup the top and bottom of the fins into a U-sha...

Bacteria Control Flagellum Rotation
Bacteria control their movements by manipulating their flagellum, which are made up of protein fl...

Grasshoppers Use Their Stored Energy Efficiently
Grasshoppers can leap several times higher than their body length on account of their hind legs, ...

Bacteria’s Swiftly Rotating Flagella
Bacteria propel themselves by rotating their long flagella. The flagella’s structure comprises a ...

Cockroaches Walk at High Speeds
Cockroaches walk by moving their 6 legs in a methodical way. When they walk, three of their legs ...

Animals Don’t Collide in Crowds
Flocks of birds travel by drawing a beautiful V formation. If something causes them to take off a...

Ants Line Up in Groups
We see lines of ants everywhere, including in gardens and parks. Why do ants line up? Isn’t it st...