NatureTech Search Result

Aphids Secrete Water-Repellent Material
Aphids secrete wax, which they use to coat their waste (known as honeydew) and the inner wall of ...

Superhydrophobic Rose Petals Absorb Water Droplets
Rose petals are superhydrophobic due to their uneven surface, which is both hydrophilic (water at...

Hydrophobic Butterfly Wings
Morpho butterflies’ wings are hydrophobic (water-repellant) due to small oblong cells and minute ...

Lotus Leaves are Highly Waterproof
The surface of lotus leaves is covered with bumps that are only several microns wide. One out of ...

Blue Swallow Has Water Repellant Feathers
The barbules in Blue swallows’ feathers aenable them to shed water and fly in thick mists.

Sharks’ Placoid Scales Have Low Water-resistance
Sharks’ Placoid scales have V-shaped grooves that reduce water drag by creating tiny vortices as ...

Lackey Moth Caterpillars Build Waterproof Tents
As soon as lackey moth caterpillars hatch, they spin out a thread and build a waterproof tent tog...

Water-walking Ninjas
Gerridae, or water striders, have the unique ability to stand and walk on the surface of water. T...