NatureTech Search Result

Thorny Devil (Moloch horridus) Can Supply Its Own Water
This animal with a devilish face and appearance is a type of lizard called Thorny Devil (Moloch h...

Silkworm, Bombyx Mori, Acts as an Interferon Factory
The silkworm, Bombyx mori, creates a cocoon to protect itself as it moves from the larva to the p...

Discovering New Armor by Taking Lessons from Prehistoric Fish
The “Polypterus senegalus” are freshwater fish from Africa that can be traced back to prehistoric...

Mosquito Bites Don’t Hurt
Have you ever felt the prick from a needle when you when you were given a shot for a vaccination,...

Light and Sturdy Toco Toucan Beak
The Toco Toucan, native to South America, is characterized by its large, colorful beak that is ab...

Beehives Are Light and Sturdy
Beehives are composed from many tubes that are clustered and closely stuck together in what is ca...

Japanese Silk Moth Can Deactivate Cancer Cells
One moth species that has been in Japan for a very long time is the Japanese Silk Moth. Females l...

Dolphin’s Fat Holds the Key to Its Amazing Athletic Abilities
The bottlenose dolphin lives in many oceans around the world. The dolphin can maintain a constant...

Penguin’s Feathers Act Like a Natural Down Jacket
The King penguin lives on top of the ice in the extremely cold climate of the South Pole. The pen...

Blood-Sucking Barbeiro Bug Helps Treat Strokes
The Barbeiro bug is a type of shield bug, which lives by sucking blood from other creatures in a ...