NatureTech Search Result

Barnacles Create Adhesives in Water
The adhesives we normally use only function in the air, even when binding objects to glass. Adhes...

Tough but Flexible Giant Kelp’s “Holdfast(s)”
Giant kelp, a type of seaweed, lives firmly attached to the sea floor or rocky seabed by means of...

Fennec Foxes Stay Cool with Large Ears and Fur
Fennec foxes are the smallest species of Canid, and inhabit the desert of North Africa. They are ...

Woodpeckers Never Get Headaches: A New Way to Absorb Shock
When a woodpecker bores a hole into a hard tree trunk, it pecks the tree with its beak twenty tim...

Tree Sprouts and Insect Wings: “Miura Folding”
Perhaps you’ve seen a science fiction movie or cartoon where a tiny folded panel rapidly unfolds ...

Fighting Cancer Cells with the Cabbage Butterfly
Adult butterflies differ from their larvae (caterpillars) in both appearance and diet. While the ...

Itacolumite is a stone noted for its flexibility. Examination under a microscope reveals that the...

Nata De Coco is Both Delicious and Useful
Upon hearing “nata de coco” many people probably think of the unique texture it adds to desserts....

Insects’ Compound Eyes See Panoramic View
If you look closely at the eyes of an insect, you’ll notice that they are covered in lots of tiny...

Shipworms Are Master Diggers and the Original Shield Tunnelers
The shipworm has a long thin body about 10cm long. It is a relative of the clam (there are very s...