NatureTech Search Result

Tornados Have Strong Centrifugal Force
When a major tornado breaks out, the strong centrifugal force destroys buildings and forests on t...

Chuckwalla Can Cool and Store/Replenish Water
Chuckwalla live in the desert, and when it is hot outside, they lower their temperature through b...

Platelets That Locate and Seal Wounds
When there is damage to a vessel, platelets first carry out emergency treatment by blocking the w...

Lobster’s Compound Eyes Can See 360 degrees
Lobsters, with their compound eyes, have a 360 degree range of vision without changing the positi...

Strongly Adhesive Gecko Feet
Gecko feet have fine hairs that are invisible to the naked eye. At the end of each hair is a 0.2-...

Spittlebug Larvae Protect Themselves in Foam
Spittlebug larvae dissolve their own secreted organic matter into the liquid they excrete, which ...

Red Algae Stave Off Bacteria
Delisea Pulchra (red algae) secrete a chemical called furanone that prevents bacteria from collec...

Wild Burdock Burrs Stick Easily to Animals
Wild burdock burrs have numerous hook-shaped spikes on each burr, which allow them to latch onto ...

Strongly Adhesive Tettigonia Orientalis Feet
The feet of the Tettigonia orientalis are powerfully adhesive, such that they can run on the bott...

Kerria Lacca Make a Protective Cover
Female adult Kerria lacca do not have wings and live in colonies on the branches of trees, such a...