NatureTech Search Result

Light-Responsive Archaea
Archaea can sense light on account of the rhodpsin (a variety-specific protein) in their cell mem...

Bacteria Control Flagellum Rotation
Bacteria control their movements by manipulating their flagellum, which are made up of protein fl...

Springboks Facilitate Body Heat Dissipation
The springbok’s fur is only 4mm long, which is extremely short given the size of their bodies. Ho...

Seaweed Alginates Have a High Viscosity and Water Absorbing Ability
Seaweed and kelp can withstand rough currents without tearing due to the soft, yet tough conditio...

African Clawed Frog’s Skin Have Antibacterial Effects
African clawed frog’s skin produces the antibiotic peptide magainin which protects the frog from ...

Artemisia Iwayomogi Kitam Has Antimicrobial Effects
Artemisia Iwayomogi Kita contains antimicrobial essential oil.

Emperor Scorpion has Antibacterial Poison
Emperor scorpions possess an antibacterial peptide called “Scorpine”, which suppresses the growth...

Grasshoppers Use Their Stored Energy Efficiently
Grasshoppers can leap several times higher than their body length on account of their hind legs, ...

Cockroaches Walk at High Speeds
Cockroaches walk by moving their 6 legs in a methodical way. When they walk, three of their legs ...

Spider Silk Promotes Cell Division and is Antibacterial
Spider silk fiber is made up of two types of proteins, fibroin and sericin. Each fiber contains t...