NatureTech Search Result

Plant-Tissue Repairing Aphid: Nipponaphis Monzeni
The aphid species Nipponaphis monzeni discharges body fluid that repairs lesions on evergreen Isu...

Parasitic Wasps Have Pest Control Capabilities
Parasitic wasps lay eggs inside the bodies of aphids. Upon hatching, the wasp larvae eat their wa...

Plants Regulate Light
Chitosan, a type of beta-carotene stored in the chloroplast of plants, allows the plants to produ...

Iron Absorption in Microorganisms
Some microorganisms release compounds called “siderophores” into the extracellular environment wh...

Rock Dwelling Cellana
Cellana create the dents in rock that they inhabit. These dents perfectly fit their body size, wh...

Feather Mites Cling to Feathers
Feather mites are covered from head to toe with long bristly hairs that help them cling to feathe...

Sunflowers Shift to Face the Sun
Sunflowers face East in the morning and West in the evening, then return to face East in the even...

Plants Grow Upward
Plants have evolved to be taller and taller, in order to absorb more light than the plants around...

Gypsy Moth Caterpillars Regulate Their Body Temperature
Gypsy moth caterpillars have an effective system of temperature regulation that takes place not i...

Perennials Enrich Soil
Perennials have very deep, widespread root systems. The roots plow soil as they grow, creating an...