NatureTech Search Result

Black-spotted Boxfish is Sturdy yet Streamlined
The shape of the black-spotted boxfish does not look streamlined: its body is lined with stiff sc...

Maple Seeds Remain Airborne for Long Periods of Time
When a maple seed rotates in the air, it forms a small vortex of air at the wing (a wingtip vorte...

Hydrophobic Butterfly Wings
Morpho butterflies’ wings are hydrophobic (water-repellant) due to small oblong cells and minute ...

Self-Assembling Molecules
Molecules, the smallest structures that comprise matter, assemble themselves into distinct patterns.

Dolphin Skin has Little Water Drag
Dolphins have highly elastic skin that forms dents when the dolphin swims at high speeds. This re...

Spirals Efficiently Circulate Gas and Liquid
Spirals and helixes have forms that efficiently circulate gas and liquid.

Refined Glass Fibers Compose the Venus' Flower Basket
The Venus' Flower Basket, or Euplectella aspergillum, forms a cylindrical basket of needle-thin g...

Trees in Tropical Forests Have Extensive, Shallow Roots That Allow for Efficient Nutrient Absorption
Soil in the tropical forests is only about 20cm deep; therefore, trees have shallow primary roots...

Gypsy Moth Caterpillars Regulate Their Body Temperature
Gypsy moth caterpillars have an effective system of temperature regulation that takes place not i...

Melastome Plants Use Rainwater to Disperse Seeds
The fruit of the melastome plant ripens during the rainy season. Melastome fruit is triangular, w...